Resolution Ticker

Monday, March 3, 2008

This song makes me sad....

48*, 93% humidity, SW 8 mph wind, light rain, FLOOD WARNING, FLASH FLOOD WATCH

I know its a love song, but it seems to me, he sings about giving up one love for another, which I can certainly relate to. I too love the ocean, and being foot loose and fancy free-there is certainly nothing so thrilling. And when I was growing up, my biggest fear in life was that I would grow up and have a boring, normal life. I NEVER thought I would give that up for the love of someone. But here I am. Yearning, but torn. Half of me would love to step out onto the endless road. The other half wars, and wins, in the end. I don't know what my future holds, nobody does. 10 years ago I would of been shocked, and disbelieving. Here I am, settled more or less with a steady job, a home, and a husband. Does the other half know what I've given up? No. He could never understand the itchy feet, not this hometown boy who's never lived 20 miles from where he grew up.

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